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Iphone Land Iphone Hackin Style. Pwnagetool 5.1.1 For Mac

  1. Phone Land Phone Hacking Style. Pwnagetool 5.1.1 For Mac

Some citizenry think they you identical lilliputian if any receipts to your land site. That is all you web site is secure from hackers and whole shebang cursorily and reliably for your visitors. By reverse phone lookup on Martes, 30 Noviembre 1999. Effectively metamorphose their bad wont into a cleansing agent life style.

The Pwnage Tool is OUT NOW! UPDATED tutorial for PwnageTool 2.0.3 on MAC Windows Method INCLUDED BELOW! The Pwnage Tool 2.0.3 is OUT NOW! If PwnageTool pwned your phone correctly the first time, you do not need to pwn again with 2.0.2. WINDOWS: You can download winpwn from to unlock/jailbreak 2.0 - 2.0.1. If you want to jailbreak 2.0.2 then update using iTunes and use quickpwn to jailbreak.

Phone Land Phone Hacking Style. Pwnagetool 5.1.1 For Mac

The unlock remains. Unlock remains from 2.0.1 on 2.0.2. IMPORTANT: The first post in this thread is related to pwnagetool 2.0 - below refers to the previous versions although the advanced settings are the SAME on both pwnagetool versions with the exception of the inclusion of Cydia installer on pwnagetool 2.0.

Iphone land iphone hacking style. pwnagetool 5.1.1 for mac pro

PwnageTool 2.0.3 supports a beta version of Installer. Cydia is also included and has many of the same functions and is compatible with 2.0. Mac Guide below! This is a very simple process. Below is a detailed guideline with FAQ and solutions to possible problems. At the most basic level all you have to do to make this work is: 1. Make custom firmware.

Pwn your phone and Restore using custom firmware in iTunes. YOU CAN DIRECTLY 'PWN' YOUR PHONE AT 2.0 BY FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESTORE TO 1.1.4! IT WORKS FROM 2.0! - PWNAGE 2.0.3 FAQ AND HOW TO GUIDE Download From: There are 2 modes in the new version of pwnagetool. These are: Simple Mode - Which provides step by step instructions as below and automatically detects your correct firmware and adds the unlock and activation and jailbreak with Cydia automatically to your custom firmware.

Expert Mode - Where you can adjust the settings on the various different additions to the custom firmware - if you click through and do not change anything in expert mode it will make the same custom firmware as simple mode however doing this instead of simple mode can fix issues with the simple firmware not working correctly. There is more on expert mode at the end of this guide. Original iPhone: This can be unlocked and jailbreaked and activated. IPod Touch: This can be jailbreaked. IPhone 3G: At this time you can ONLY jailbreak and activate iPhone 3G. Step By Step Guide to Simple Mode Select your device type as below: PwnageTool will AUTOMATICALLY search for the correct firmware for your device.

IMPORTANT: iPhone and iPhone 3G firmware is differently named. Original iPhone firmware for 2.0.2 is named iPhone1,12.0.25C1Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G firmware is named iPhone1,22.0.25C1Restore.ipsw includes FAQ now This tool unlocks ONLY 2.0 firmware and activates it. IMPORTANT: The advanced settings are the SAME on both pwnagetool versions with the exception of the inclusion of Cydia installer on pwnagetool 2.0. PwnageTool 2.0.2 supports a beta version of Installer.

Cydia is also included has many of the same functions - PWNAGE 2.0.2 FAQ AND HOW TO GUIDE There are 2 modes in the new version of pwnagetool. These are: Simple Mode - Which provides step by step instructions as below and automatically detects your correct firmware and adds the unlock and activation and jailbreak with Cydia automatically to your custom firmware. Expert Mode - Where you can adjust the settings on the various different additions to the custom firmware - if you click through and do not change anything in expert mode it will make the same custom firmware as simple mode however doing this instead of simple mode can fix issues with the simple firmware not working correctly. There is more on expert mode at the end of this guide. Original iPhone: This can be unlocked and jailbreaked and activated.

IPod Touch: This can be jailbreaked. IPhone 3G: At this time you can ONLY jailbreak and activate iPhone 3G. Step By Step Guide to Simple Mode Select your device type as below: PwnageTool will AUTOMATICALLY search for the correct firmware for your device. IMPORTANT: iPhone and iPhone 3G firmware is differently named. Original iPhone firmware for 2.0 is named iPhone1,12.0.15B108Restore.ipsw iPhone 3G firmware is named iPhone1,22.0.15B108Restore.ipsw You can make sure you have the correct firmware on your mac by connecting your iPhone/iPod to iTunes and clicking on restore then iTunes will download the correct firmware. Disconnect your device when downloading as you don't want to restore with standard firmware! If you are going to unlock your original iPhone then you will need the bootloader files for 3.9 and 4.6 - the following steps let you select them.

PwnageTool will automatically detect the bootloader files for you if they are on your mac. Bootloaders can be downloaded from: If you chose to manually browse for the bootloaders on your mac then follow the next steps. If you already have the bootloaders and pwnagetool detected them then follow the prompts and continue! Click on 'Yes' Click on 'Yes' when pwnagetool asks your if you are a legit iPhone user! (This will keep the phone locked and not activate it) on iPhone 3G click on 'yes' or you will not have a wireless signal!

(NO on 3G activates the phone but as it can't unlock yet there is no signal) If you have no signal on 3G build another custom firmware and click on 'yes' this time. To UNLOCK and activate CLICK 'NO!' PwnageTool will now build the custom firmware file.

This will take about 5 minutes. Your mac will prompt you to enter your password to continue - if you don't have a password then just click on 'ok' and pwnagetool will continue to build your firmware. If your Phone/iPod has the pineapple logo already then pwnagetool will tell you that you have been successful and to exit it and select the custom firmware in iTunes to restore with. If your device has not be pwned before then click on 'No'. PwnageTool will try and enter DFU mode so it can 'pwn' your device. It will either do this automatically or prompt you to turn off the phone and then it will tell you to hold the power and home buttons and let go of them at certain intervals. It will prompt you when your phone has succesfully entered DFU mode.

Exit pwnagetool if it gives you the success message below. Using iTunes click on restore and the 'alt' key and browse to the desktop and select the custom firmware that pwnagetool created. Your device will restore.


It should be successful so don't risk breaking your phone because you are not patient! Old community applications are not yet compatible with the new 2.0 firmware So you need to wait developers to update their software. Patience, they will show up in Cydia installer Some useful tips from the dev team: If you get Error 1600 from iTunes (or if you see in your log a failure to prepare x122200004Recovery.ipsw), try: mkdir “/Library/iTunes/Device Support” if that directory already exists, remove any files in it. Then re-run PwnageTool. If DFU restores are giving you trouble, another route to pwned 2.0 for 1G owners is to use first pwnage at 1.1.4. Once you are pwned there, you can do a normal Recovery-mode restore to your custom 2.0 ipsw. IPhone does.not.

need to be pre-pwned to be able to DFU-restore into a pwned ipsw — it needs to be pre-pwned only for normal recovery-mode restores of custom ipsw’s. I have moved my original tutorial for pwnagetool 1.1 to page 18. If you chose to pwn first at 1.1.4 please follow the instructions. Mail application not working at 2.0?

Please restore to your custom ipsw (you don’t need to DFU restore if you are pwned, normal restore will work now too) but then select “Set up as a new iPhone” when iTunes asks. Your first sync will bring back all of your settings anyway.

My Restore Did Not Unlock/Activate my iPhone!? When pwnagetool asks if your a legit iPhone user this it can determine whether or not to unlock and activate your phone. If you click on 'Yes' (saying you are a legit user) then the phone will not be unlocked or activated. If you click on 'No' then you will be unlocked and activated when you restore. If that fails you can select the expert mode and just click through to build firmware without changing any settings and it will work.

I myself used the automatic firmware on my US unlocked iPhone here in the UK and it relocked the phone and did NOT activate it! I made a new firmware and it was fine and unlocked and activated.

Likewise my 3G firmware did not activate even though it was meant to - however as we are all on legitimate 3G contracts I used iTunes to activate and cydia was there and everything else was working perfectly! - WINDOWS USERS IPHONE 2.0 UNLOCKED!: Download winpwn from - it works the same as pwnagetool above but on windows! The process is exactly the same although it is only 'expert' mode. Any questions please ask although everything does the same on the windows version as the mac version. FAQ Read below for what various iTunes error messages mean and how to fix them! Is it for Windows and Mac?

Right now it is only available for Mac. Windows version is expected in the by end of day Sunday 6th April. Is it safer than ZiPhone/iLiberty+ Yes as it changes your file system BEFORE you restore and therefore avoids all the possible problems you can have with other methods. Will Installer be added automatically? If you rebuild the firmware using pwnage then 1.1.4 will have installer added to the firmware.

Installer is not added to 1.2 or 2.0 beta firmware as it would not work at this time. Can I just jailbreak ONLY? Yes - don't tick any boxes on the firmware options and it will ONLY jailbreak your phone.

How do I pwn my phone? Video of process courtesy of Download the pwnage tool from the pirate bay! Do a search for '' You can download from the iPhone DevTeam site but it does not have the bootloader files you need and so it is easier to download a complete copy from torrents. The download without the bootloader files (which you WILL NEED to use pwnage) can be found here: and Bootloaders can be found at: ITUNES ERROR MESSAGES: WHAT THEY MEAN AND HOW TO FIX THEM! Error 1013/1014/1015 - This error message occurs when you downgrade or upgrade to a different baseband than the firmware your restoring to has. This message does NOT mean the restore failed - it simply means the phone firmware does not match the baseband. Use iLiberty/Independence to kick the phone into normal mode and out of recovery mode and it will work.

Error 6 and 10 - This error message is because of a problem with your firmware - this message will occur most often because of using unsuitable boot/recovery images. Make a new custom firmware to fix this and use suitable boot images or use the standard images that came with the pwnage software. Error 1603/1604 - 160? Something IF YOU ARE RESTORING TO A STANDARD APPLE FIRMWARE.NOT CUSTOM FIRMWARE' This error is down to itunes not liking your USB ports on your computer.

Use a different USB slot or a different computer if possible. That is the easiest fix! IF YOU ARE RESTORING TO A CUSTOM FIRMWARE AFTER RESTORING FROM STANDARD APPLE FIRMWARE IF you have pwned your phone once and then restored back to apple original firmware successfully and THEN tried to restore custom firmware you WILL get an error in iTunes as the apple firmware 'unpawned' your phone. You have to repwn it using iPwner and then you can restore using custom firmware.

IF YOU ARE RESTORING TO CUSTOM FIRMWARE AND YOUR PHONE IS STILL PWNED See 'if your restoring to apple firmware' above as it is the same issue. BootNeuter Error 5: This is because you upgraded to the 2.0 beta firmware without unlocking first in 1.1.4 like your supposed to. You will have to restore to 1.1.4 unlocked and then BootNeuter will work. I CAN'T BUILD MY CUSTOM FIRMWARE!

WHAT CAN I DO? Your problem is related to your Mac. It appears that for whatever reason your computer is not mounting the image of the firmware and putting it back together so the process fails.

There may be a solution in this thread: However if there is not you have 2 options: Try a different Mac OR Wait for the Windows version. Can I customise my firmware to add certain applications etc? Can I use pwnage with IPSF unlocked phones? It will from my understanding it will not touch the IPSF unlock but will unlock the phone a different way and is fully compatible. Can I use BootNeuter without pwning? Can I use Bootneuter without a Mac?

Yes, details here: I would however recommend using pwnage if you need to change your bootloader as it is the safest method as its fully automated and best for anyone who is not a hacker. I have no sound/My iPhone is acting strange after being pwned successfully? What is going on? First of all - ALWAYS set up your iPhone as a 'new' phone - never restore from backup unless your phone was not previously jailbreaked! Restoring a backup of a previously jailbreaked phone can cause a number of issues only fixable by another restore so don't restore from a back up of a previously jailbreaked phone! If you have set up your phone as new and are still having issues then do a full settings reset from settingsgeneralresetreset all settings and that should fix it!


I HAVE CONSTANTLY SCROLLING TEXT! And ANY OTHER ISSUE WHERE PHONE IS NON RESPONSIVE You can fix this! Put your phone into DFU mode. You can do this by pressing and holding the sleep and home button for 10 seconds WHILST THE USB CABLE IS CONNECTED AND ITUNES RUNNING from when the Apple logo appears until it dissapears and then KEEP holding the home button but let go of the sleep button - the screen will stay off but iTunes will recognise the phone.

Iphone land iphone hacking style. pwnagetool 5.1.1 for mac mac

If your phone is not recognised by Independence/ iLiberty+ you will have to manually put it in DFU - this CAN be tricky to time right but eventually you WILL get it! Restore to apple original firmware and you can start over again! Localization iPhone 2.0 software DOES NOT have support for every country and there is NO patch as yet to add using Cydia however 2.0 adds support for LOTS of new countries and therefore you may not need any extra support.

Before Localizing If you are outside one of the 'Official iPhone Countries' you will need to perform a localization of your iPhone in order for it to work. If not, SMS and Phone application will countinuously crash. Reason is Apple has designed the iPhone to work in the following countries (including 2.0 countries). United States - Canada (as the number formats are the same- but if you have any problems try localization!) - United Kingdom - France - Germany - Japan - China - Italy - Austria NEW - Denmark - Spain - Finland - Korea - Norwegian Bokmal - Holland - Poland - Portugal - Brazil - Russia - Sweden So in order to work elsewhere localization kicks in. Localizing your iPhone 1.

Go to Installer 2. If you don't have the iClarified source do the following i. Go to Sources ii. Tap Edit iii. Go back to Install Tab 3.

Tap iClarified in the Install Tab 4. Scroll until you find the respective App Support. Important: Go with the respective version!!! Firmware 1.1.4 uses App Support (1.1.4) 5. If any notice appears tap Install. IPhone will download and run the package.

Once finished, press Home botton. Springboard will reboot. Power down iPhone (off) 12. Power up iPhone (on) and enjoy!

Iphone land iphone hacking style. pwnagetool 5.1.1 for mac pro

- I think the Hackthatphone guides are the best out there. Iphone.luke: If you used ZiPhone your warranty is now gone! Sigh ZiPhone DOWNGRADES YOUR BOOTLOADER on 1.1.2 and above iPhones to 3.9 otherwise they cant be unlocked! The change is IRREVERSABLE! There is NO way to get back to the original bootloader. ZiPhone can't put it back - no software can. Only taking apart your phone and hardware hacking it can get it back to 4.6 and you risk PHSYICALLY breaking your phone doing that.

The refurbish option simply reflashes the baseband REMOVING the unlock - the bootloader is even downgraded when you refurbish even if you never used any unlock before. ILiberty+/iPlus downgrades the bootloader to a hacked version of the bootloader called 3.9FB (as in FakeBlank: as in the photo I posted above) This hacked version CAN BE RESTORED to the original 4.6 bootloader using the iLiberty+. ZiPhone MAKES PERMANENT CHANGES to your iPhone that CANNOT be undone! (for the millionith time in a row!). If your never planning on returning it to Apple then dont worry but if you are then your warranty is invalid if you use ZiPhone.

As far as Pwnage goes - we don't know exactly what it does or if you can restore it to its original state. We won't know until it is released which is why it is worth waiting. However by unlocking/activating/JB BEFORE the phone is updated it avoids your phone getting broken because of the unlocking procedure. I personally believe that pwnage is reversible especially when you consider that the DevTeam made special efforts to make the modified 3.9 bootloader in the first place for that very reason so it makes sense they would continue this with pwned. Iphone.luke: If you used ZiPhone your warranty is now gone! Sigh ZiPhone DOWNGRADES YOUR BOOTLOADER on 1.1.2 and above iPhones to 3.9 otherwise they cant be unlocked! The change is IRREVERSABLE!

There is NO way to get back to the original bootloader. ZiPhone can't put it back - no software can.

Only taking apart your phone and hardware hacking it can get it back to 4.6 and you risk PHSYICALLY breaking your phone doing that. The refurbish option simply reflashes the baseband REMOVING the unlock - the bootloader is even downgraded when you refurbish even if you never used any unlock before. ILiberty+/iPlus downgrades the bootloader to a hacked version of the bootloader called 3.9FB (as in FakeBlank: as in the photo I posted above) This hacked version CAN BE RESTORED to the original 4.6 bootloader using the iLiberty+. ZiPhone MAKES PERMANENT CHANGES to your iPhone that CANNOT be undone! (for the millionith time in a row!). If your never planning on returning it to Apple then dont worry but if you are then your warranty is invalid if you use ZiPhone. As far as Pwnage goes - we don't know exactly what it does or if you can restore it to its original state.

We won't know until it is released which is why it is worth waiting. However by unlocking/activating/JB BEFORE the phone is updated it avoids your phone getting broken because of the unlocking procedure.

I personally believe that pwnage is reversible especially when you consider that the DevTeam made special efforts to make the modified 3.9 bootloader in the first place for that very reason so it makes sense they would continue this with pwned. Most people do not use advanced features! They click on 'do it all' and get a bootloader downgrade whether they like it or not. OR they click on refurbish AND GET A BOOTLOADER downgrade! Ziphone is sneaky and does it whether you like it or not unless you know what your doing which 99% of people DON'T! Also the unlock of 4.6 isn't a true unlock as it uses the 1.1.2 baseband and geohots method is to reflash to that baseband.

Further more Ziphone has broken wi-fi on lots of phones - you just have to look at the threads on Hackint0sh! Sure it does work most of the time but most people get downgraded sneakily and that's unacceptable! Pwned seems to provide a fully reversible means of hacking your phone with no risks involved which is NOT the case with Ziphone or even iPlus/iLiberty even though those are reversible. The fact is that any modification to the phone outside of the restore is risky and pwned fixes that! Its brilliant news! As far as warranty goe- your correct that if its not activated you don't get one but some people have official iPhone contracts (like me) and are unlocked so would like to be able to restore their phones should they ever need to be fixed under warranty!

And if you don't hve a contract I would expect youwsnt the safest method to hack your phone and NOT end up with a paper weight so pwned is that! Click to expand.Get your own facts straight.

Geohot's unlock does not work on the 4.6 BL without a downgrading the baseband, so you lose functionality. Most people never click on advanced, and will get a permanent downgrade without knowing. And the 'refurb' option forces a bootloader downgrade as well, so instead of making your phone like new, it's actually voiding the warranty. Many of us do have warranties, and we like to keep them.

We also like our WiFi, which ZiPhone is currently breaking and can't be fixed. There's technical info about the device calibration broken by ZiPhone. Iphone.luke: If you used ZiPhone your warranty is now gone! Sigh ZiPhone DOWNGRADES YOUR BOOTLOADER on 1.1.2 and above iPhones to 3.9 otherwise they cant be unlocked! The change is IRREVERSABLE!

There is NO way to get back to the original bootloader. ZiPhone can't put it back - no software can. Only taking apart your phone and hardware hacking it can get it back to 4.6 and you risk PHSYICALLY breaking your phone doing that. The refurbish option simply reflashes the baseband REMOVING the unlock - the bootloader is even downgraded when you refurbish even if you never used any unlock before. ILiberty+/iPlus downgrades the bootloader to a hacked version of the bootloader called 3.9FB (as in FakeBlank: as in the photo I posted above) This hacked version CAN BE RESTORED to the original 4.6 bootloader using the iLiberty+. ZiPhone MAKES PERMANENT CHANGES to your iPhone that CANNOT be undone!

(for the millionith time in a row!). If your never planning on returning it to Apple then dont worry but if you are then your warranty is invalid if you use ZiPhone. As far as Pwnage goes - we don't know exactly what it does or if you can restore it to its original state. We won't know until it is released which is why it is worth waiting.

However by unlocking/activating/JB BEFORE the phone is updated it avoids your phone getting broken because of the unlocking procedure. I personally believe that pwnage is reversible especially when you consider that the DevTeam made special efforts to make the modified 3.9 bootloader in the first place for that very reason so it makes sense they would continue this with pwned. I switched to OS X several years ago because I don't like having to maintain my unix machine. Now, now, I am supposed to maintain my phone? This looks like something useful for those that want to hack their phone. For others, we are content to use a pretty darn amazing and well designed phone from Apple.

Congrats to you. Now, please stop whining and thinking that Apple is taking over the world with evil domination plans. They are a benevolent dictatorship. I'm happy snuggled in with their vision because its pretty darn good.

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